My All Star Game Solution

Here is a copy of a letter I sent electronically to Buster Olney of ESPN…the media has a way of taking things and running with them so I figured…what the Hell

Here is the text of the letter…

So Buster…I think I have a solution for the All Star game issues…send me some feedback.

Instead of All Stars…lets revise the title to “First Team All MLB” that way we would automatically have ” Second Team all MLB”…The Second Team All MLB would rectify perceived “snubs” of deserving players. Also, it would allow these “2nd Tier” All Stars to participate in things like Home Run Derby (Like Giambi). Finally, the Second Team All MLB are eligible to play in the actual All Star Game…but only in extra inning situations.

The possibilities are endless.

Please respond with your thoughts to my email at

I posted a copy of this open letter to you on my website…

Thanks for your time.

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